When I originally set up this blog, I had the intention of creating a living document, somewhere that I could share my stories with those who have been supporters of my efforts, family members and friends.
After completing Kiwi Brevet back in February 2012, it was apparent that my experience during that event affected the very core of my being. Returning to work, I tried to focus, but could not. I began to write about my experience, in time after work. Reviewing that document, I realised that it was different to most other blog posts you see from Mountain Bikers - it was a deeply personal account of what happened out there.
Since writing that account of Kiwi Brevet, I have constantly thought about whether it would (or should) always remain private, or whether I should share. With the passing of a number of months, I feel I should publish the account - to achieve my original aim of informing, entertaining - and in some ways to say thanks to those who offer their support and guidance.
I guess it is like a lot of things I do - challenging myself, trying something new, being a bit... different.
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